Season 3 is now available! — Click here to listen

We overcome the enemy by the blood of Jesus,

We overcome the enemy by the blood of Jesus, and by our testimony.

— Revelation 12:11

Welcome to Truth

I know that life can be very trying at times, and it sometimes seems like you have more questions than answers. I am not here to tell you that there is a button called “the perfect life” that you can push, on the contrary, life can often feel like a pressure cooker, not knowing if or when you may explode. However, I am here to draw your attention to two things. One, you are not alone and two, the strength you are seeking externally is on the inside of you. It is called your will.

Your will to survive is more powerful than the voice of defeat that sneaks up on you in your lowest moments. If you will open your heart, Truth will help you to encounter fortitude, your will to carry on, and the peace of God which passes all understanding; Philippians 4:7 KJV.

Truth breaks down the walls of secrecy & exposes man's fallibility. “I am human.”


Truth will highlight the grace of God that is sufficient in sustaining an individual’s conviction, in their walk with God; despite the trials they face in life.


Truth will remind us that God is present in our situation, and he will not fail us (Deuteronomy 31:6).


Truth will help us summon the courage to share our life experiences with others. That they may know that Jesus Christ can heal physical, emotional and psychological scars.


Truth will help us to see and admire each-other’s building blocks. (What are your life pieces that came together to make you into the person you are today).

Hi, I'm Evangelist Marvalee Mills

Before I delve into my story, I want to extend a heartfelt welcome to you.  It’s a joy to share my journey with you, and I hope that, in doing so, we can find inspiration and strength together.

I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost at sixteen years old. Currently, I live in Toronto with my five children, and I attend the Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Pickering.

I have always had a passion for helping abused women and children, as I myself, by the grace of God, came out of an abusive marriage. In my years of listening to and counseling other women, I have consistently been told that I would be a good advocate for women in abusive relationships or those under pressure, facing the arduous demands of life.

I have made it my focus to walk in the will and purpose of God for my life. Currently, I oversee the divorce care ministry at my local church, speak at events, and help others share their stories of how God’s grace and mercy have helped them navigate through difficult times in life. Whether it be through physical, emotional, or psychological abuse, or strenuous life circumstances, I believe that sharing one’s life experiences and encouraging others will provide lasting impacts that can help them find their path to true happiness and healing in Jesus Christ.

Hi, I'm Evangelist Marvalee Mills

Before I delve into my story, I want to extend a heartfelt welcome to you.  It’s a joy to share my journey with you, and I hope that, in doing so, we can find inspiration and strength together.

I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost at sixteen years old. Currently, I live in Toronto with my five children, and I attend the Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Pickering.

I have always had a passion for helping abused women and children, as I myself, by the grace of God, came out of an abusive marriage. In my years of listening to and counseling other women, I have consistently been told that I would be a good advocate for women in abusive relationships or those under pressure, facing the arduous demands of life.

I have made it my focus to walk in the will and purpose of God for my life. Currently, I oversee the divorce care ministry at my local church, speak at events, and help others share their stories of how God’s grace and mercy have helped them navigate through difficult times in life. Whether it be through physical, emotional, or psychological abuse, or strenuous life circumstances, I believe that sharing one’s life experiences and encouraging others will provide lasting impacts that can help them find their path to true happiness and healing in Jesus Christ.

Inspiring real-life stories to transform & build faith

Truth is allowing God to get the glory out of our lives, through our life experiences. It is embracing the understanding that we have to die to our pride so that the truth can be revealed through us. When we say yes to following the Lord, we are actually saying “I am your vessel.” Thus, we don’t belong to ourselves. The truth of our lives should not be concealed in us, but rather shared, so that the Lord may use our life experiences to bless, heal and encourage others. This is the bases of TRUTH.

If you love what Truth represents, and would like to sow into this project, please click the link below. Thank you in advance for your donation. May God richly Bless you!

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  • The first institution that God created was marriage, between a man and a woman. God is the head of the man, and man is the head of the woman. Man must lead his house according to the blueprint of God. ----- The Lord speaks through man unto man. “the spirit of the Lord spake by[...]
  • “and I entreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with clement also and with other my fellow labourers, whose names are in the book of life” — Philippians 4:3 ----- The Lord speaks through man unto man. “the spirit of the Lord spake by me, and His[...]
  • Jesus Christ is the gateway to eternal life in the kingdom of light, opposite to the kingdom of darkness, which is spiritual bondage that leads to spiritual death and eternal separation from Jesus Christ. ----- The Lord speaks through man unto man. “the spirit of the Lord spake by me, and His word was in[...]
  • Women embracing a shift in thought patterns, behaviours and emotions, and moving away from self-sabotaging and engaging in self-supporting behaviours; that trains their mind to accept the truth that as a woman, you’re loved by God and he has engrafted purpose in you. ----- The Lord speaks through man unto man. “the spirit of the[...]
  • An extraordinary story of one woman’s journey out of the Muslim religion Islam, into Christianity, and her continued dedication to the Muslim community in an effort to bring the message of salvation through the saving power that lies in the name of Jesus Christ. ----- Season 2 of the Truth podcast, titled "Pain to Triumph,"[...]
  • The remarkable story of one woman’s survival of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda Africa that took place on April 7, 1994. Her resilience and perseverance gave her the courage to turn her pain into triumph through the grace and mercy of God. ---- Season 2 of the Truth podcast, titled "Pain to Triumph,"[...]
  • The executive director of the Denise House Shelter for Women provides a deeper look into the facts behind domestic violence/ iolence against women and children and the resources that are set in place to assist individuals in need. -------- Season 2 of the Truth podcast, titled "Pain to Triumph," features three inspiring stories of women[...]
  • This episode speaks about the restorative power of Jesus Christ in the life of Marvalee; you'll get a close look at the power of deliverance in motion in her life. The culmination of events in her life that gave birth to her testimony and ministry. ----- Get to know your host, Marvalee Mills, in this[...]
  • A very candid look into how Marvalee was able to survive homelessness, depression, and divorce while raising five children on her own. ----- Get to know your host, Marvalee Mills, in this exclusive 6-part informative tell-all summary of her life. Marvalee shares with her audience her life experience from her upbringing, marriage, homelessness, depression, divorce,[...]
  • An in-depth look at how through God’s wisdom and grace Marvalee was able to survive living in a marriage that almost claimed her life. ----- Get to know your host, Marvalee Mills, in this exclusive 6-part informative tell all summary of her life. Marvalee shares with her audience her life experience from her upbringing, marriage,[...]
  • Marvalee’s call at a young age to live a separated life for Jesus Christ, and the challenges she faced. ----- Get to know your host, Marvalee Mills, in this exclusive 6-part informative tell all summary of her life. Marvalee shares with her audience her life experience from her upbringing, marriage, homelessness, depression, divorce, and her[...]
  • Marvalee speaks about the conception of the Truth With Marvalee Podcast, its purpose, and vision. ----- Get to know your host, Marvalee Mills, in this exclusive 6-part informative tell all summary of her life. Marvalee shares with her audience her life experience from her upbringing, marriage, homelessness, depression, divorce, and her ministry. Connect with Marvalee[...]

Inspiring real-life stories to transform & build faith

Truth is allowing God to get the glory out of our lives, through our life experiences. It is embracing the understanding that we have to die to our pride so that the truth can be revealed through us. When we say yes to following the Lord, we are actually saying “I am your vessel.” Thus, we don’t belong to ourselves. The truth of our lives should not be concealed in us, but rather shared, so that the Lord may use our life experiences to bless, heal and encourage others. This is the bases of TRUTH.

If you love what Truth represents, and would like to sow into this project, please click the link below. Thank you in advance for your donation. May God richly Bless you!

We all need someone to talk to

Book a consultation with Marvalee Mills. The word ‘help’ is in every culture and language, we just have to learn to access and utilize it. Truth with Marvalee Mills is a service platform designed to help you release your fears, doubt, anxiety and condemnation, with an intentional forward movement, conscious of your identity and your God given purpose.
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